Our Story
Victory Tabernacle UPC was planted as a daughter work in 2004, under the leadership of Pastor Rashidi Collins. The first service was attended by 26 people, many of which were sent by Pastor Davy to help Brother Collins in the fledgling work. The congregation grew steadily. When the attendance crossed the 100 mark, Pastor Davy released the congregation as an autonomous church and installed Brother Collins as the pastor.
Pastor Collins is quick to point out the necessity of spiritual covering when planting a church. It is important for young ministers to stay close to their mentors as they navigate the sometimes difficult path of shepherding a flock. The Elijah/Elisha principle of mentoring is the biblical and effective method of passing the mantle from generation to generation. Pastor and Sister Davy took the time to mentor the Collins family, and now the cycle of church growth continues in a new missionary congregation.
Pastor Collins reports that Victory Tabernacle is intentionally multicultural. The demographics of the congregation reflect a tremendous diversity with 75 percent African American and West Indian, 10 percent Caucasian, and 15 percent Hispanic. Pastor Collins has a vision to see a Spanish service started in the near future and would eventually like to plant a Spanish daughter work.
As the congregation continues to grow and souls continue to be added to the church, the Gospel message is being preached without compromise. Strong doctrinal teaching is a major part of the foundation of the church along with regular outreach, home Bible studies, visitation, bus ministry, and powerful worship services. Pastor Collins regularly consults with Pastor Davy before making any major decisions and the congregation stays in fellowship with New Life. The Apostle Paul spoke of Timothy as his son in the gospel. Paul writes that though we might have 10,000 instructors in Christ, we have not many fathers. The urgent cry of our generation is for Apostolic fathers to raise up a generation of sons who will unflinchingly propagate the whole gospel to the whole world. This is the biblical paradigm mandated for the Apostolic church. It is the paradigm that is working for the city of Tampa.